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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rajut Knitting Pattern : godmother's knitting edging

knitting edge is rarer than crochet edge.

but, i'm so in love in knitting.. so i choose to browse here and there, look at here and there, to find a knitting edge for my recycled skirt.. and the pattern must be simple but not too simple in result (if you know what i mean).

and here the result... i decided to use Godmother's knitting edging pattern from "The Complete Step-by-Step Knitting Book" by Eleanor Van Zandt (ISBN 0 86283 929 7)

recycled circle skirt with godmother's edging

knitted 111" long... it took days to finished!

yes, it's from a book and i have no right to redistribute it to this blog... but i think you can find it on vintage knitting pattern that occasionally found shared free on some site.

Happy knitting!



  1. mbak ajeng, kalo buat edging, bagusnya pake benang jenis apa, ya?
    kalo yang buat edging roknya mbak ajeng itu pakenya apa?
    matur nuwun! :D

  2. kalo aku pribadi lebih memilih benang yang kuat untuk dicuci pakai dan tahan kecantol-cantol dan ga gampang rusak.

    disini aku pakai katun lokal biasa warna sembur. :)



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