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Showing posts with label Knitting Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knitting Help. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to: My steps on making knitting pattern.

this is when I made Tiger Cub Baby Hat
I am blessed as one of knitters who can convert my knitting into written pattern. I know many of my knitter friends who have difficult time to actually making knitting/crochet pattern.

For my opinion, the key is do not overthinking and just do it (or I should say write it). Don't be afraid to make many mess. Sketches, formulas, words.. I usually grab any paper near me (usually shopping receipts that scattered around my desk and in my wallet) to writing before I forget.

Here are steps I usually do everytime I want to make new knitting or make knitting pattern.

1. Choose one Idea.
I know ideas are always overflowing and want to be picked first. I always choose one of that many that I most interested with (because knitting with happy heart is alway better), or with the easiest-to-get resources.

2. Quick choose the yarn and needle.
Many yarns out there. I bet every knitter already have one or two most favorite yarn to use. I usually using one kind of yarn in many of my knittings. This can save time from window shopping looking many yarns and also from choosing wrong yarn.

3. Sketch the finished picture and imagine how it done.
Put your imagination into picture. No need to be an artist with beautiful drawing, it is enough as long as you can understand your own drawing. We make it for ourselves.
And in the process, you can imagine how that drawing to be done, what books you will open, what stitches you will use, where you use them, etc. Yeah.. let that mind flying while your finger drawing.

4. Researching
Yep, we need researching. Find any basic pattern that close with what you want to do. Example : you want to make a design of beret hat, so find some basic beret hat pattern for reads. Open your stitches book, designing book, patterns stash, etc as you see fit. And take a note or compile the findings which you see fit with your finished picture's sketch into one corner of your work desk to be opened later.

This is when I made Edge of the Woods
5. Write basic draft of the pattern
make the swatch and then determine how many cast on, how many rows, where the stitches should be, where the colors should be, etc etc enough so you can start to make the sample knitting.

6. Actually knit it (while writing/drafting the pattern)
I am a kind of designer who like to make sample pattern together with drafting the pattern. I don't use my nice notebook in this part, and usually recycle any paper scattered around me (shopping receipt, back of used paper, etc) but will always make sure them in one safe place (usually in project bag together with the yarns I use to make sample knitting)

7. Writing the pattern for yourself
While you admiring the knitting sample you freshly finished, now is your time gathering all notes and draft you make, and tidying them into one coherent pattern in your notebook for yourself. So it's up to you to use any language or any writing method you like, as long as you will understand anytime you reopen the notebook. You don't have to care if your knitter friend open the book and don't understand what you write in there. The notes is only for you. So if someday you want to remake the knitting again, you just have to open the notebook.

8. Writing for others
This step only be done if you want others to use your pattern too (free or not). Try to put yourself in other knitter shoes and imagine what kind of knitting pattern they/you like to follow and read, then try to rewrite your pattern in that way. After that you can show it into other fellow knitter(s) you know and trust to ask for feedback and also to test knit it. Along with the time and experiences, you will find your own writing style.

Happy Knitting!!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rajut Free Knitting Pattern : Picture chart for your knitting

These picture charts came from unexpected source. 
Unintenionally i found this game when i browsing at google play from my smartphone. A japanese puzzle game that will give you a nice picture when you can finished it.

I tried the free version. And i keep the pictures, because i think those were beautiful and can be used as fair isle/stranded/double sided/intarsia pattern for your knitting/crochet or for patchwork!

Cross Me Original
i love you chart
bunny chart
elephant chart
Cross Me Color

fox chart
heart with arrow chart
bee chart
I only attached some of the pictures that i keep.
Find more by solve the puzzle by yourself. Get some fun from playing, and apply those pictures to your knitting/crochet/patchwork!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Doing Intarsia

Couple days ago, I (after a long time avoiding) trying knitting with intarsia method.

Knitting with so many bobbins was so troublesome. (am i right with the word i choose?)

The positive effect was i finished this only in two days. because I don't want struggle with all the bobbins too long. XD

But I satisfy with the result. :D

It's quite easy doing intarsia, I only read from this article by Purlbee before I have confidence to start. All you have to prepare is many bobbins. ;)

Happy Knitting!!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Looking for Sizing Chart Guide?

Want to knitting/crocheting something and looking for sizing chart guide?

Here some link that maybe help :
* Craftyarncouncil
* Needlepointers
* Knitting-and

or you can just simple looking at Google, with keyword "knitting size chart".

Happy Knitting!!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Learning Knitting : Purl Stitch

# this is a part of tutorial for learning knitting, trough pictures series.
 Just grab any yarn and knitting needle around you and follow the pictures.

After finishing slipknot and do long tail cast on, start a new row..
This stitch has opposite result with knit stitch. From right side looks like horizontal line.
Tusuk ini kebalikan dari Knit. Dari depan terlihat horisontal atau seperti garis mendatar.

With working yarn in the front, slip the right needle to the first stitch from right front. (pic 1)
Dengan posisi benang di depan, selipkan jarum kanan ke tusuk pertama di jarum kiri dari arah kanan ke arah depan (gambar 1)


 wrap the working yarn around right needle clockwise, and pull it out. (see pic.2 and 3)
 Ayun benang di seputar jarum kanan, lalu kait keluar. (gambar 2 dan 3)



slip one stitch out from left needle - the one you used (see pic.4 and 5)
Lepaskan satu tusuk yang dipakai tadi dari jarum kiri. (gambar 4 dan 5)



** feel free to comment, since maybe i used wrong word to explain, because i'm not so good in english. :)

Happy Knitting!!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Learning Knitting : Making Slip Knot

 # this is a part of tutorial for learning knitting, trough pictures series.
 Just grab any yarn and knitting needle around you and follow the pictures.

Are you ready for knitting??

This step is the very first thing you have to do. In any knitting project.
Because after this step, we will use long tail cast on, so before we start, please measure how long you will make the base of your knitting project, then multiply it to 4. from that point we will make this slip knot.
Ini adalah tusuk paling awal dalam merajut. dan dalam semua proyek rajut.
Karena setelah ini akan memakai long tail cast on, Tentukan dulu lebar rajutan yang akan Anda buat, kalikan empat. Dari situlah Anda bisa memulainya.

with working yarn on the right, make two circle (pic.1), see carefully the position of yarns
dengan posisi benang panjang di kanan, buat dua lingkaran (gambar 1), perhatikan posisi benang.


put the right circle to the left circle (pic.2), and hold it with left hand (pic.3)
Masukkan lingkaran kanan ke lingkaran kiri (gambar 2), tahan dengan tanagn kiri dengan melepaskan pegangannya pada lingkaran kiri (gambar 3)


pull the left over yarn to make it tight (pic.4)
Tarik benang pendek untuk mengencangkan (gambar 4)


slip the needle to the remain hole, and pull the working yarn to make the yarn wraping the needle. (pic.5)
Masukkan jarum ke lubang yang dihasilkan,lalu tarik benang panjang untuk mengencangkan (gambar 5)


useful tips : 
If needed, use bigger needle to make cast on, so you can have more flexible cast-on result. - expecially if you a thight knitter -
Jika diperlukan, pakailah jarum yang satu atau dua tingkat lebih besar daripada yang seharusnya kamu pakai untuk membuat cast-on. Untuk mendapatkan cast-on yang lebih longgar. - apalagi jika kamu perajut yang suka menarik kencang -

** Feel free to comment, since maybe i used wrong word to explain, because i'm not so good in english :)

Happy Knitting!!


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Learning Knitting : Long tail cast on

# this is a part of tutorial for learning knitting, trough pictures series.
 Just grab any yarn and knitting needle around you and follow the pictures.

after finishing slipknot, continue with this step..
(useful tips : when you read CO = 8.. means slipknot is already count as 1, and you only need to make 7 cast on.)

hold both yarn (left over and working yarn) with left hand. still in holding position, open between yarn, with working yarn on pointed finger and left over yarn on thumb.
lower the needle in the right yarn a bit. (result pic.1)
Genggam kedua benang (panjang dan pendek) dengan tangan kiri. Masih dalam posisi menahan, buka benang dari tengah, telunjuk menahan benang panjang dan jempol menahan benang pendek.
Turunkan jarum sedikit. (hasil ada di gambar 1)


pass the needle point to yarn wrap at the thumb from below (see pic.2)
Masukkan jarum ke antara jempol dari arah bawah (gambar 2)

pass the needle point to yarn wrap at the pointed finger from above (see pic.3)
Masukkan jarum di antara telunjuk dari arah atas (gambar 3)


and pass the needle point again to yarn wrap at the thumb but from above (see pic.4 and 5)
Masukkan lagi jarum ke antara jempol tapi dari arah atas (lgambar 4 dan 5)


let go the yarn wrap at the thumb, and pull both yarn to opposite direction (pic.6)
Lepaskan pegangan pada jempol dan tarik benang untuk mengencangkan. (gambar 6)


** Feel free to comment, since maybe i used wrong word to explain, because i'm not so good in english :)

Happy Knitting!!


Learning Knitting : Knit Stitch

# this is a part of tutorial for learning knitting, trough pictures series.
 Just grab any yarn and knitting needle around you and follow the pictures.

After finishing slipknot and do long tail cast on, start a new row..

With working yarn in the back, slip the right needle to the first stitch from left front (see pic.1)
Dengan posisi benang panjang berada di belakang, selipkan jarum kanan ke tusuk pertama di jarum kiri dari arah kiri depan ke arah belakang. (lihat gambar 1)



wrap the working yarn around right needle clockwise, and pull it out. (see pic.3 and 4)
Ayun benang di seputar jarum kanan, lalu kait keluar. (lihat gambar 3 dan 4)



slip one stitch out from left needle - the one you used (see pic.5)
Lepaskan satu tusuk yang dipakai tadi dari jarum kiri. (lihat gambar 5)



** feel free to comment, since maybe i used wrong word to explain, because i'm not so good in english. :)

Happy knitting!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Little Help For read Japanese Pattern

Someday ago i bought a beautiful Japanese knitting book.
Yes, because it is written in Japanese style.. it's a must to me to know how to read the pattern if i want to make one of the patterns.

goggling, googling..
i found this helpfull site!
Check this out if you need little assistant to read a Japanese knitting pattern.

Happy knitting!!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Knitting Base : Cabling without cable needle

I got these links from a friend when i still early in knitting 1 year ago. And thanks to them, i never use cable needle to make knitting cable.

here you are, [simply click the picturs below]

the very helping links from Grumperina about how to cabling without cable needle. (don't just watch, but grab your knitting yarn and needle, and practice while watching the pictures)

left cable
right cable

happy knitting!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knitting Glossary (From

The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

alt alternate

approx approximately

beg begin[ning]

BO bind off [cast off]

cab cable

CC contrasting color

cn cable needle

CO cast on

cont continue[ing]

dec decrease[ing]

dpn double pointed needles[s]

foll follow[s][ing]

g grams

inc increase[ing]

incl including

inst instructions

k knit

k tbl knit through back of loop

k2tog knit two together

m meter[s]

MC main color

m1 make one

mm millimeters

mult multiple

opp opposite

oz ounces

p purl

p2tog purl two together

patt[s] pattern[s]

psso pass slipped stitch[es] over

rem remaining

rep repeat

rev St st reverse stockinette stitch

RS right side[s]

rnd[s] round[s]

sc single crochet

SSK slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together

SSP slip 2 stitches as if to purl, then purl those 2 stitches together

sl slip

slp slip one as if to purl

sl st slip stitch

st[s] stitch[es]

St st stockinette stitch

tbl through back of loop[s]

tog together

WS wrong side[s]

YO yarn over

* * repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated

The Knitty Level of Difficulty Index

Mellow -
  • Suitable for beginners.
  • Relaxing, not mentally taxing.
  • Knitting as therapy.
Tangy -
  • Tired of rectangles? Ready for something more challenging? Try these.
  • Fun things with zing. A twist, even.
Piquant -
  • A little something for the seasoned knitter.
  • Daring but not exhausting.

Extraspicy -
  • Suitable for those with a lot of experience. Or patience. Or both.
  • These babies have teeth.
  • Hoo boy.

Happy Knitting!!

Knitting Glossary (From

( )
work instructions between parentheses, in the place directed
repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* *
repeat instructions between asterisks, as directed
bind off
color A
color B
contrasting color
centered double decrease. sl2 tog, K1, pass the slipped stitches over (together)
chain (using crochet hook). Start with a slip knot.
cable needle: short knitting needle, used as an aid in the twisting of a cable.
cast on
cross 2 L
cross 2 stitches to the left (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in front of work as you knit the next couple of stiches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.
cross 2 R
cross 2 stitches to the right (to work a cable). slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in back of work as you knit the next couple of stiches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.
double crochet
Double Knitting weight yarn. Slightly finer than worsted weight.
dpn aka dp
double pointed needle(s). A short needle with points at both ends, used in sets or 4 or 5, for knitting in the round.
end of needle
end of row
front cross (in working a cable)
front loop(s)
follow; follows; following
g aka gr
g st
garter stitch
half double crochet
k tbl aka K1 tbl, K1b
Knit stitch through the back loop
knit stitch in row below. (Infrequently used for knit through the back loop; see K tbl)
knit-wise. Insert right needle into the stitch as if to knit it
k1 f&b aka kfb
knit 1 stitch in the front, then in the back. This is also called a Bar Increase
knit 2 stitches together
k2tog tbl
knit 2 stitches together, through the back loops
knit left loop. An increase
knit right loop. An increase
left cross (to work a cable). As in: cross 2 L
left hand
left twist (where two stitches cross each other, as in the smallest cable stitch possible)
Make 1. This means to increase a stitch. If the method isn't specified, use whichever increase you like, for instance M1F.
make 1 away. An Increase
M1L aka M1, M1F
make 1 (front)(left). An increase. From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop
M1R aka M1B
make 1 (back) (right). An increase. From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop
make 1 towards. An Increase
make bobble
main color
p tbl aka P1 tbl, P1b
purl through the back loop
purl stitch in the row below. (infrequently used to mean purl stitch in the back loop; see p tbl)
purl wise: Insert right needle down into the front loop, or up into the back loop for tbl
p1 f&b aka pfb
purl the front of a stitch, then purl the back of the same stitch
purl 2 together
p2tog tbl
purl 2 together through the back loops
pat(s) aka patt(s)
place marker
pass next stitch over
popcorn stitch
pass the slipped stitch over (as in slip 1, knit 1, psso)
pick up stitches
right cross (to work a cable), as in: cross 2 R
rev St st
Reverse stockinette/stocking stitch. The "purl" side of plain, stockinette stitch. Purled on RS, knitted on WS
right hand
ribbing: vertical columns of knit and purl stitches, side by side, as in K1, P1 ribbing
round(s). In circular knitting, a "row" is called a "round."
right side, for instance the outside of a sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions
right twist (where two stitches cross each other, as in the smallest cable stitch possible)
single crochet
slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double decrease)
SKP aka skpo
"Slip, Knit, Pass." Slip a stitch, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit one. The same as: sl1, k1, psso
sl aka s
slip a stitch. If they don't specify, slip the stitch purl-wise....Unless you are decreasing: then, slip it knit-wise on the knit rows, and purl-wise on the purl rows. (According to Vogue Knitting)
sl st
slip stitch(es)
sl1, k1, psso
slip1, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over. The same as SKP
sl1k aka sl 1 k-wise
slip a stitch knit-wise
sl1p aka sl 1 p-wise
slip a stitch purl-wise
slip knot
an adjustable loop, used to begin many cast-on methods
slip stitch (Canadian)
slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog. A decrease
ssk (improved)
sl 1, sl 1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog
slip, slip, purl. A decrease, usually done on the purl-side
slip, slip, slip, knit 3 slipped stitches together. A double decrease
st (s)
St st
Stockinette/Stocking stitch
through the back loop
wool over needle
wool round needle
wrong side, for instance the inside of the sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions
with yarn in back
with yarn in front
yb aka ybk
yarn to the back
yarn forward and over needle. Same as yo
yarn forward and 'round needle. Same as yo
yfwd aka yf
yarn forward
yarn over: wrap the yarn around right needle
yo2 aka yo twice
yarn over twice
yarn over needle. Same as yo
yarn 'round needle. Same as yo
[ ]
work instructions between brackets, as many times as directed

Happy knitting!!


Useful Link to Learning Knitting (Beginner)

Useful link to learning basic : (with picture)

How to cast On

Basic stitches (knit and purl)

How to Bind off

Stitch pattern

How to decrease:
Happy knitting everyone!!


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